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Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Variation of Lift at least depends on
1.       Free-stream velocity (V)
2.       Free stream density(r)
3.       Size of an aerodynamic surface. We will use the wing area S to indicate the size
4.       Angle of attack
5.       The shape of the airfoil
6.       Viscosity coefficient ยต(because the aerodynamic forces are generated in part from skin friction distribution)
7.       Compressibility of the airflow, compressibility effects are governed by the value of the free-stream number M=V/a∞ , hence L, D&M depend on the speed of flow also the speed of sound

 Using dimensional analysis



Consider mass m. The exponent of m on the left side is 1. Thus, the exponents of m on the right must add to 1, hence  

Similarly, for time t

And for length l,

Solving equation 4, 5&6 for a,b and d in terms of e and f



Substituting equation 7 and 9

Rearranging equation 10

We know that

 Equation 11 becomes

We will now define a new quantity called as coefficient cl as

Dynamic pressure is


Equation number 15 is a very important the result, as it tells us  that lift, is directly proportional to dynamic pressure, hence the square root of velocity, it is also directly proportional to wing area and to the lift coefficient  
The lift coefficient is a function of M, Re as reflected in equation 12
Since, M, Re is dimensionless and we assumed initially Z as dimensionless from equation 12 cl is dimensionless.

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